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Bring up the command prompt:. If no asterisk is found, then the disk is set as MBR. If it is there, that is the System Drive. Skip to step 2. The most common location is the C: drive, so that example will be used in the rest of the article. In this case, C is the drive where Windows folder was found. You should get a confirmation that the volume has been successfully set as active.
Make sure you are working with the right disk. Reboot the device – you can do this quickly from the command prompt by typing: shutdown -f -r -t 00 and press Enter. Once it is found, assign the letter R to the partition. If the letter R is already taken, you can choose any unassigned letter. Return to the command prompt, type the following one line at a time, pressing Enter after each line:. To set a different language, replace en-us with a different language code such as de-de for German.
Reboot the device – you can do this quickly from the command prompt by typing: shutdown -f -r -t 00 and pressing Enter. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. A subscription to make the most of your time. Try one month free.
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