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Book Description: A comprehensive guide to Autodesk Inventor and Inventor LT This detailed reference and tutorial provides straightforward explanations, real-world examples, and practical tutorials that focus squarely on teaching Autodesk Inventor tips, tricks, and techniques. Read more Read less.

Mastering autodesk inventor 2015 and autodesk inventor lt 2015 free download.Mastering Autodesk Inventor 2015 and Autodesk Inventor LT 2015 (2014)


This detailed reference and tutorial provides straightforward explanations, real-world examples, and practical tutorials that focus squarely on teaching Autodesk Inventor tips, tricks, and techniques. The book also includes a project at the beginning to help those new to Inventor quickly understand key interface conventions and capabilities.

In addition, there is more information on Inventor LT, new practice drawings at the end of each chapter to reinforce lessons learned, and thorough mawtering of all of Inventor’s new features. The author’s extensive experience across industries and innventor expertise enables him to teach the software in the context of real-world workflows and work environments. Mastering Inventor explores all aspects of part design, including sketching, basic and advanced modeling techniques, working with sheet metal, and part editing.

Here are just a few mastering autodesk inventor 2015 and autodesk inventor lt 2015 free download the key topics covered:. The book’s detailed discussions are reinforced with step-by-step tutorials, and readers can compare their work coreldraw 10 download the downloadable before-and-after tutorial files.

In addition, you’ll find an hour of instructional videos with tips and techniques to help you master the software. Mastering Inventor is the ultimate resource for those who want to quickly become proficient with Autodesk’s 3D manufacturing software and prepare for the Inventor certification exams.

Master Mechanical Design the Autodesk Inventor Way If you’re a professional or student in any manufacturing or design field, this expert guide gives you everything you need to make the most of the industry-leading 3D mechanical design software. Complemented with straightforward explanations, real-world examples, and practical tutorials, this comprehensive guide to Autodesk Inventor and Inventor LT gives you the know-how to become proficient quickly with Autodesk’s 3D manufacturing software.

Coverage includes: Getting started with Autodesk Inventor Creating 2D and 3D sketches and features Conquering all aspects of part design ajtodesk part editing Working with sketching, sheet metal, and basic and advanced modeling techniques Getting the most out of Inventor for building large assemblies Mastering the autodesk alias surface free concepts of parametric 3D design Using productivity-boosting tools and data exchange Making sense of the Frame Generator and the Inventor Studio Using tube-and-pipe and cable-and-harness routing tools Preparing for the Inventor certification exam Master Autodesk Inventor and Inventor LT Understand Key Interface Conventions and Capabilities Benefit from Drawings that Reinforce Lessons Learned Grasp the Topic in the Context of Real-World Workflows Prepare for the Inventor Certification Exams.

Doenload Waguespack, an Inventor Expert Elite and Autodesk Certified Instructor, has taught Inventor in the classroom and consulted with and supported manufacturing and design firms in industries ranging from aerospace to consumer products and industrial machinery. He uses Inventor daily in a real-world environment to design and document various kt types, and maintains the popular “From the Trenches” Inventor blog inventortrenches.

He has served as lead author on multiple editions of Mastering Autodesk Inventor. He has taught Inventor in the classroom and has consulted with qnd supported manufacturing and design firms in industries ranging from aerospace, to consumer products, to industrial machinery.

Curtis uses Inventor daily in a real world design environment and has used Inventor to design a wide range of manufactured products.

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It also analyses reviews to verify masteeing. Enhance your purchase. A comprehensive guide to Autodesk Inventor and Inventor Mastering autodesk inventor 2015 and autodesk inventor lt 2015 free download This detailed reference and tutorial provides straightforward explanations, real-world examples, and practical tutorials that focus squarely on teaching Autodesk Inventor tips, tricks, and techniques.

Here are just a few of the key topics covered: Assemblies and subassemblies Real-world workflows and offering extensive detail on autodesi with large assemblies Weldment design Functional design using Design Accelerators and Design Calculators Everything from presentation files to simple animations to documentation for exploded views Frame Autoodesk Inventor Studio visualization tools Inventor Professional’s dynamic simulation and stress analysis features Routed systems features onventor, tubing, cabling, and harnesses The book’s detailed discussions are reinforced with step-by-step tutorials, and readers can compare their masterjng to the downloadable before-and-after tutorial files.

Previous page. Publication date. Print length. See all details. Next page. School Mastsring. From pre-school to A-levels, find School Books for all ages Shop now. From the Inside Flap Master Mechanical Design the Autodesk Inventor Way If you’re a professional or student in any manufacturing or design field, 1/26366.txt expert guide gives you everything you need to make the most of the industry-leading 3D mechanical design software.

About the Author Curtis Waguespack, an Inventor Expert Elite and Lf Certified Instructor, has taught Inventor in the classroom and consulted with and supported manufacturing and design firms in industries ranging from aerospace to consumer products and industrial machinery. Read more. About autdoesk author Follow authors to get new release updates, plus improved recommendations. Curtis Waguespack. Brief content visible, double tap to read full content.

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Mastering autodesk inventor 2015 and autodesk inventor lt 2015 free download. Mastering Autodesk Inventor 2015 and Autodesk Inventor LT 2015: Autodesk Official Press


In this chapter, you will explore the use of iLogic to configure your models with mastring and automation. Software 10 free full version this chapter focuses primarily on using iLogic in the parts environments, the fundamentals you’ll learn will apply to the assembly and drawing environments as well.

It extends and enhances the design capabilities and allows you to automate tedious design tasks. By creating custom iLogic code, читать полностью can add higher levels of design intelligence to your models. Using the iLogic tools, you can create simple, rule-based logic to set and drive parameters and properties in your designs.

To understand how iLogic works, you need to think in terms of design rules. Most design departments already have certain design rules they follow when creating parts and assemblies. For instance, suppose a design requires a minimum hole spacing to ensure a strong connection. If a part length causes the spacing to exceed the minimum hole spacing, then another hole is added. Currently, you might follow these rules manually as you design, but with the use продолжить чтение iLogic, you can add the rules to the model file so that the design rules are implemented automatically.

You can even have rules trigger other rules so that a cascade of decisions is made based on initial input from the user.

An iLogic rule can be thought of as a small Visual Basic. This allows you to control the values of the model automatically, based on conditions and inputs. For example, you might have a product line offered to your customer in standard cataloged sizes, with 20155 features included or down,oad based on the size and application.

But you also offer this same design in custom sizes when needed. With traditional Inventor tools, you would mastering autodesk inventor 2015 and autodesk inventor lt 2015 free download whether the requested size autodeek standard, and if it is not, you would create a new custom-size component to fit the need. Once the invebtor is determined, you would decide to include or exclude features per your design guidelines and then include other features based on the specific application of this custom design.

Because the process of configuring your product line relies on your experience and memory, it might be time-consuming and error-prone, particularly if you need to have another Inventor user, with less посмотреть еще with your autoddsk, create the design.

You can use iLogic to set up a collection of rules in a template file. The first rule might allow you to input the requested size using a customized mastering autodesk inventor 2015 and autodesk inventor lt 2015 free download form. Another sutodesk would determine whether the requested size is an existing standard size or a new aufodesk one. If it is a custom size, a part number and description are automatically generated to honor your standard nomenclature.

Yet another rule would then determine whether standard features are included or excluded based on the size for example, if the hole spacing exceeds Xadd another hole. And finally, another rule might be invoked mastering autodesk inventor 2015 and autodesk inventor lt 2015 free download add application-specific features for example, add left-hand switch mounting holes, if the custom design is for a left-hand application. A function is an instruction created and used within a rule to modify the Inventor model or read some data from the file.

When a rule is run, the functions within it are executed. The predefined iLogic functions follow VB. NET syntax and require the coding to follow the syntax autodeskk work. This syntax consists of invemtor function category, function autodeso, and autodeak arguments. In the previous example, where the goal was to create a collection of rules to determine a standard or custom size, the first rule would control the dialog box to collect the input from the user.

So, a function would be added to freee an input box function and then assign the collected input to an Inventor parameter. Here is an example of an input box function used to prompt the user for a width value:. The resulting input box displays as shown in Figure In this case, the default value has been set to 2051 if the user were to accept the default value by clicking the OK button, myWidth would be set to You might include multiple functions in the same rule, depending on its complexity.

When doing so, you will typically place functions in order so that information is inbentor or gathered from one function and then used later by another function. Typically, each function is independent of the remaining code in the rule.

To use the myWidth value from ihventor previous example, you could create a second masteeing to set the Inventor parameter controlling the width of the part equal to myWidth. Here, the Inventor parameter is a dimension in a sketch that has been named Wid There are several categories of functions provided in iLogic.

You can find all of the available functions when creating rules by expanding the function category node in the rule editing interface.

Here is the list of autoodesk categories:. Within functions, you can also have arguments. An argument is a value that is sent to the function when it is called. Passing downloxd argument to a function lnventor the function information to work with. An argument can be one of the following data types:. Here, the function category Feature is being used. The Feature function IsActive is instructed to look for the feature called Hole1, and then the False argument tells the function to suppress Hole1.

If the Boolean were set to True, then the hole dkwnload be set active or not suppressed. You’ll notice Hole1 is set inside double quotes, thereby specifying downloax as a text string. Here, the Parameter function is being told to look mastering autodesk inventor 2015 and autodesk inventor lt 2015 free download the feature called Diameter1 and then use 4. In both of these examples, the function is setting a value. In addition to setting values, you can retrieve or get values using functions.

In the following examples, you’ll look at how to get a value from a function. You’ll start off with the reciprocal function for the previous autodexk involving Diameter Next, look at an input box function:. In this function, the return value happens to be an Inventor dimension parameter named Wid1, which is a sketch dimension defining the width of the mastering autodesk inventor 2015 and autodesk inventor lt 2015 free download.

The input box reads the Wid1 parameter into the default value on the far right so that the user is presented with the current width and at the same time is prompted to enter a new 1/23412.txt. When the user clicks the OK button, the input box value is written to the Inventor dimension parameter named Wid1. In the first line, the function is being given the arguments Project привожу ссылку Revision Number to specify that iProperty be set to 2.

In the second line, the return value called RevNumber is being set to the current Revision Number iProperty for the file. Again, it uses the argumentsProject and Revision Number to tell the iProperty abd which iProperty to read.

You use conditional statements to put the logic in iLogic. The conditional statements evaluate the present state of the model and execute logic depending upon that state. For example, if downlad hole spacing in a part exceeds a minimum value because onventor a change in length, then another set of holes is required:. Then, Space1 is evaluated to determine whether it is less than or equal to If so, it is set to be active not suppressed. Otherwise, it is suppressed.

The following sections include examples of each of the available conditional statements. If, Then, Else is probably the most common of the conditional statements.

It tests for a condition and then applies one or more actions if the condition is found to be true; otherwise, it applies one or more other actions:. If, Then tests for a condition and then applies one or more actions if the condition is found to be true. If the ibventor is not true, then nothing happens. Text preceded by an apostrophe in iLogic is interpreted as a comment and not as code. You mastering autodesk inventor 2015 and autodesk inventor lt 2015 free download use this to your advantage by adding notes anx your iLogic code to make it easier to understand.

A null If, Then tests for a condition and then applies no action if the condition is found to be true the ‘do nothing in the following statement is simply a comment and could be omitted.

If the condition is not true, one or more actions are applied:. You can use a single-line If statement when testing a simple, short condition with short true and false statements. Single-line If, Then tests for a condition and then applies one or more frde if the condition ссылка на подробности found to be true. If the condition is not true, then nothing happens:. Using the If, Then, ElseIf format, you can add as many conditions as you want.

Here is downlozd format when three conditions are being tested. If, Then, ElseIf tests for a condition and then applies one or more actions if the condition is found to be true. If not true, it tests another condition, and so on.

If none of the tested conditions is found to be true, it applies one or more other actions. If no final action is specified, nothing happens unless one of the conditions is mastering autodesk inventor 2015 and autodesk inventor lt 2015 free download to be true:. The Select Case statement is another way to test mastering autodesk inventor 2015 and autodesk inventor lt 2015 free download is inside a variable. You can use it when you know there are only a limited number of values that the variable could hold:.

There are two primary areas within Inventor windows 10 home bit free full to create and manage iLogic autdesk the Parameters editing dialog box and the iLogic browser. The Parameters dialog box is used to create and edit parameters to be used in iLogic, and the iLogic browser allows you to create and manage rules.

Figure The Mastering autodesk inventor 2015 and autodesk inventor lt 2015 free download autodes, can be referenced into your Inventor model using the standard Inventor tools, but the Text and Boolean parameters can be used only with the iLogic tools.

To create user parameters and specify the type, you use the drop-down list in the Parameters dialog box, as shown in Figure A Text parameter downliad any 201 specified within double quotes. For instance, if you wanted to use product names in an iLogic rule to fill autoedsk iProperty mastering autodesk inventor 2015 and autodesk inventor lt 2015 free download, you could create a Text parameter to contain that information.

Keep in mind that you can create a Text parameter using numeric data by enclosing it in double quotes. Text parameters can be set to be multi-value list parameters or used as static, single-value parameters. They have only two states: True and False.


Mastering autodesk inventor 2015 and autodesk inventor lt 2015 free download

· MB·13, Downloads·New! This practical resource provides a series of Inventor® exercises covering several topics, including:sketchespart models. Mastering Autodesk® Inventor® and Autodesk® Inventor LT™ 1, Pages·· MB·10, Downloads. Autodesk® Inventor LT™ Thank you for.

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