Logic Pro X Another Fix : replace.me
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Jun 04, · When I Quit from a song I get the message “Logic Quit Unexpectedly”. It happens on both old songs and brand new ones, even very small ones, whether I save or don’t save. I have seen this same problem in a number of other forums about a bunch of different programs, so I am beginning to think it might be rather than Logic. To do this, go to your Applications folder, double-click the Logic Pro app, then hold down the respective modifier key(s) from the table below until a dialog appears or Logic Pro opens. Modifier key(s)Estimated Reading Time: 1 min. Mar 15, · Re: Logic Pro X quits unexpectedly Sun Mar 15, pm Yes, Maceasy is right.. at the top of the crash report, you will see what thread crashed.. scan down to that thread and look for a .
In the Finder, choose Go > Go to Folder from the menu. Type ~/Library/Preferences in the “Go to the folder” field. Press the Go button. Remove. I very occasionally get that message but it usually is sorted after a relaunch/restart. Maybe look in plugin manager and disable any waves plugins you don’t use.